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Flashing Nokia Phones Using JAF Without Box

Published on: at 1:00 PM | Posted By:
Firmware problem is the major problem of most Nokia Phones. Almost every nokia users specially nokia s40 phone users are fetching many problems. See the general firmware problems from below. If you are fetching one of those problems then you can solve this by flashing your Nokia Handset device.

General Firmware Problems

Here are the well known firmware problems. Read carefully and try to compare with your phone. If you do not care about these problems then your phone may went dead.

  1. While opening media player you will see "Not enough memory".
  2. You can't open eqalizer.
  3. Some data of your phone memory may got damaged.
  4. Customized themes, ringtones, wallpapers etc may went back to default.
  5. Operamini browser or calculator may got damaged.
  6. You may can't download any application from internet using default web browser.
  7. While opening some applications you may see "No certificates found" or "invalid applications"

You can flash your phone anytime for any reason. You can flash your phone to make it better. But do it at your own risk. Your wrong command or not apropriet flash files may kill your phone permanently.

6303i's RM number is RM-638. You can find yours by pressing *#0000# in you nokia phone. Search and download latest bb5 flah files for your phone ( eg: 5130xm bb5 flash files ).

Or you can use "Navifirm" or "Navifirm plus" Named software to find flash files easily and quickly.

Navifirm screenshot

After downloading make a folder in C:\Program files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\ named RM-your rm number

eg: C:\Program files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RM-638

Now put your all firmware files in that folder[normally 4 or 5 files]

Have a look in screenshot below.

Flash files screenshot


  1. Be sure you install updated firmware. You cannot downgrade your phone’s firmware in BB5 phones which includes all new Nokia phones including N-Series.
  2. JAF (Just Another Flash) allows downgrading but your phone doesn’t allow it as your phone has some special security built into it. So no use of trying it. You’ll get an error message.
  3. You can reinstall your current firmware also if you have its package. It is supported. It can also sometimes solve little issues.

Let's start

  1. Conect your phone to PC using data cable with PC Suite Mode
  2. Now open OGM_JAF_PKEY_Emulator_v3.exe
  3. Click GO

JAF pkey emulator

  1. Select BB5. Then check on Manual Flash, Dead USB and Use INI

JAF bb5 selected

  1. Select your phone model

JAF select phone model

  1. You will see MCU, PPM, CNT, APE Variant become green

JAF ready for flash

  1. Now TURN OFF your phone!! And then click FLASH button after that press power button (don't hold it) on your phone and JAF will start flashing.

JAF flashing

  1. After finish flashing restart your phone (by releasing your battery and put it back)

JAF flashing succeed

Completed all tasks.............

If anything goes wrong put a comment here :)

8 comments On "Flashing Nokia Phones Using JAF Without Box"

  1. Good post,, but when i select my model MCU,PPM,CNT,APE variant cannot turn green

    1. Mention Your phone model and firmware number.

      If you have those mcu, ppm and cnt files then just manually select them and click on flash.

  2. pls i cant instal jaf on my pc.i nid your assistance.pls add me ,this my gmail account fksymbol@gmail.com

    1. Yea. Tell me. How can I assist you?

      Run the installer as Administrator. Then change the compatibility mod to Windows XP SP3. If you're not using XP.

  3. how is that work with out any flashing device ..
    can u explain me ..there is crack for it or another way..

  4. I can't see the link to download JAF

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. http://www.mediafire.com/download/u1sdrk8veed1dw4/jaf-1.98.64_webhq.blogspot.com.rar


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