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Download G DATA InternetSecurity 2012 - A complete set of utilities that make your PC safer and more reliable

Published on: at 12:10 PM | Posted By:

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Size: 330 MB


License / Price: Trial / GBP 34.95

Operating Systems: Windows 2K / XP / Vista / XP X64 / Vista64 / 7 / 7 x64

A complete set of utilities that make your PC safer and more reliable

G DATA InternetSecurity is a suite of applications that work together in order to provide you with the best protection for your computer. The security features include an antivirus, a firewall, antispam filtering and child protection.

In addition to its award-winning virus detection rates, G Data InternetSecurity has a new idle scan feature which scans the system when it is idle to utilize your system‘s uptime efficiently.

Cloud-based analysis of suspicious files and the silent firewall give your system an effective all-round defence against viruses, worms, spam and hacking - without loss of performance and without tedious queries. Parental controls offer additional protection.

G DATA InternetSecurity 2012 description

Here are some key features of "G DATA InternetSecurity 2012":
- DoubleScan: best, award-winning virus detection
- OutbreakShield: Immediate protection against new viruses
- New Heuristics detects even more unknown viruses
- Improved protection vfrom viruses, worms, rootkits, spyware, dialers, Trojans, backdoors, and more.
- Virus blockers for e-mails and instant messaging
- Award-winning protection against attacks
- New optimization for games: Switches automatically to Autopilot for transparent firewall protection
- Easier to use, thanks to new rules
- Four levels of security, or expert mode
- Expanded by language blocker: detects and blocks ten different e-mail languages as desired
- Individual user profiles, blocks offensive contents and more
- Keywort-Filter for full text search (extensible)
- Trace eraser and data shredder
- Blocks banners, pop-ups, Flash, Java / VB script, etc.

- Windows XP: 512 MB RAM
- Windows Vista / 7: 1 GB RAM

- Internet Connection

- 30 days trial

What's New in This Release:
- Idle scan: automatic virus check when user is inactive and the system is idle
- New on-execution monitor mode
- Cloud-Security & File-Cloud-Check
- Larger fingerprinting database with less memory use
- Proactive protection from online banking trojans
- Improved Outlook add-in
- All vital information available at a glance in the redesigned G Data SecurityCentre

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