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Download FlashGet - Safe, High-speed, Multi-protocol supported Download Manager

Published on: at 5:38 PM | Posted By:

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FlashGet Screenshot

Size: 7.7 MB


License / Price: Ad-supported / $0

Operating Systems: Windows All

Safe, High-speed, Multi-protocol support

FlashGet is a download manager featuring support for most popular web browsers out there as well as a wide array of tools supposed to make your life a bit easier when downloading files. FlashGet is one of the big guys on the market, with an impressive history and, more importantly, a huge number of users that have confirmed its efficiency.

FlashGet accelerates your downloads using its implemented technologies, lending a helping hand to users that have unstable and / or slow Internet connections. FlashGet can also integrate into your browser and take control over the files you attempt to download while surfing the web. We’ve tested FlashGet with Firefox, as the download manager automatically installed a dedicated extension to handle downloads and everything worked like a charm.

At first glance, FlashGet’s interface is pleasant and easy to use. There is a reason, though, why this particular download manager is marked as `ad-supported` Softpedia - the advertisement it displays every time the user opens the main window. The `Resource Center` is specifically designed to make some software recommendations to the user and it doesn’t bring any added functionality to FlashGet.

Although the interface is surprisingly good, the Settings window instantly generates wrinkles on your face. The choice of font may easily win the design strawberry award. It makes it hard for anyone to read the available options. In addition, the lack of intuition takes this specific window deeper into oblivion as the sections from the left side of the window does not look like beholding any items other than `General Settings`, `Task Manager`, `Download Settings` or `Appearance`.

The best thing about FlashGet is actually the way it works. It’s incredibly fast and works pretty simple. Every time you right click a link that leads to a downloadable file, FlashGet comes into play and takes over. This way, you don’t even need dedicated extensions in your browser, you just need the download manager to be up and running.

Overall, FlashGet is a must have, no matter how fast your Internet connection actually is. In case you’re not bothered by the advertisements displayed in the main window, FlashGet surely packs enough features to make it fun to use while providing great capabilities.

FlashGet Description

Here are some key features of "FlashGet":

Optimize the system resource:
· FlashGet can use up the lowest system resources and will not influence your normal work or study.

Call anti-virus automatically:
· FlashGet can call anti-virus automatically to clean viruses, spyware and adware after finishing download.

Increase the download speed and stability:
· Flashget can increase download speed from 6-10 times. It uses MHT (Multi-server Hyper-threading Transportation) technique and optimization arithmetic

Support HTTP, FTP, BT and other various protocols:
· FlashGet supports HTTP, FTP, BT, MMS, RTSP and other protocols. It is seamless between protocols and there is no need to operate manually for download switch. The One Touch technique optimizes BT download and can automatically download target files after getting seeds information, hence no need to operate again.

Powerful files management feature:
· It supports unlimited categories. Each category is assigned a download saving directory. The powerful management feature can support drag and drop, adding and description, search, rename, etc.

What's New in This Release:
· FlashGet3 supports HTTP,FTP,BT and eMule protocols.
· The new P4S technique chould highly accelerate the downloading process.
· IE6, IE7, IE8 and Firefox are supported.

Users are advised to pay attention while installing this ad-supported application:
· Displays ad banners or other types of advertising material during its runtime

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